Last 25 February, the Virgin Mary, through the visionary Marija, gave us a beautiful message.
As is my style, I read it a first time, a second time, I reflected on it; I let the night pass to pick up the text again and further deepen my reasoning for the little I can do.
Without a shadow of a doubt we are going through a stormy time; there is talk of wars, conflicts, violence of all kinds and denied rights.
If to this turmoil generated by man we add the unfortunate news of the Holy Father, seriously ill and hospitalized in a hospital ward, the picture that looms on the horizon undoubtedly appears confused.
On the other side we have Her, the Mother of God who speaks as a delegate of Her son; she does not have a vision tied to our time frame but goes beyond.
For Her there is no end, so much so that She speaks of a “spring time” precisely to us who, according to our way of understanding the seasons, are going through the middle of winter but precisely in that “spring” the Virgin Mary promises us warmth, beautiful days, blue skies that correspond, always in our vision of the passing of time, to an opening towards something jovial.
Hence “the encouragement to personal conversion, so that you can with your life pray and love God above all things for all those who are in need”.
The concept expressed, already clear and exhaustive, is further strengthened in the next passage: “be, children, my hands of peace and prayer, be love for those who do not love, do not pray and do not desire peace”.
I believe there is nothing else to add except to put in the effort, in the least unworthy way possible, to be able to simultaneously enjoy that: “thank you because you have responded to my call”.